colour palette for:
20541918 / Lyra Color Giants - lacquered - 18 colours in a tin box
001 white
001 white
004 zinc yellow
004 zinc yellow
007 lemon
007 lemon
013 light orange
013 light orange
018 scarlet lake
018 scarlet lake
027 light carmine
027 light carmine
029 pink madder lake
029 pink madder lake
032 light flesh
032 light flesh
038 violet
038 violet
047 light blue
047 light blue
051 prussian blue
051 prussian blue
067 sap green
067 sap green
070 apple green
070 apple green
076 vandyke brown
076 vandyke brown
090 venetian red
090 venetian red
099 black
099 black
250 gold
250 gold
251 silver
251 silver
This is a colour palette for demonstrative use only.
The colours may differ from the product's colour
and with different systems.

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